The Asherman Chest Seal (ACS) is the standard for the treatment of open chest injuries for one reason: it works. More effective than regular petroleum gauze, the Asherman Chest Seal (ACS) is standard issue for the US Army, US Navy and the British Army for use in emergency situations with open pneumothorax wounds (sucking chest wounds). The ACS is the one item every responder needs for the field treatment of open chest wounds. It features a circular design and one-way valve designed to let air and blood escape while preventing either from re-entering. The clear pad design allows for a provider to easily monitor the wound. The strong pressure sensitive adhesive will create an effective seal regardless of amount of body hair. Open chest wound circular dressing for non-invasive procedures | Sterile dressing incorporating a gauze pad to clean & dry the wound | Pressure sensitive adhesive seal effective for sucking chest wounds | One way valve lets air escape without allowing air re-entry | Flutter valve reduces the risk of tension pneumothorax | Simple to apply | Disposable