This replica of a disarticulated half human skeleton is complete with mounted skull, sternum, hyoid, and spinal column. This highly detailed disarticulated skeleton is great for anatomy studies. Comes in a sturdy partitioned cardboard storage box.
Every original 3B Scientific® Anatomy Model gives you direct access to its digital twin on your smartphone, tablet or desktop device.
Enjoy using the exclusive virtual anatomy content with the following features:
- Freely rotate your digital model and zoom in and out
- Display hotspots and their anatomical structures
- Augmented Reality (AR) feature starts your virtual anatomy model
- Anatomy Quiz function to test and improve your anatomical knowledge with instant results and final score evaluation
- Drawing function that allows image customization with save and share function
- Useful Notes function to help you with your personal learning
- Possibility to learn both male and female anatomy
- Easy access to 3D content both online and offline
- Available in 11 languages