Product Details
Designed specifically for Urban Search & Rescue (USAR) training but this manikin has many other applications.
Now constructed in the same flame retardant Polyester used in Police ballistic/stab vests, which typically has 4 times the strength and abrasion resistance of 16oz canvas or P.V.C (the materials previously used) – making the manikins much stronger than before.
- Uses the same construction methods and materials as the best selling Duty Range.
- The Polyester is waterproof, making it suitable for wet or foul scenarios such as Hazmat/ CBRN as it can be more easily cleaned and dried than canvas models.
- Anatomically correct weight distribution gives the 'feel' of an unconscious person.
- Built in
- Strong webbing loop allows easy positioning, storage and hanging up for drying.
- Strong enough to be buried under concrete or steel lintels with no damage - these manikins are tough!
- Can withstand being driven over with a 4x4 vehicle and being dropped from a 2nd floor window onto a concrete floor with no damage (obviously care must be taken with the shoutbox!)
- Protective consumables including, tough drag protectors, coveralls and boots, greatly extended the life of the manikin and help save you costs.
- Provides a dummy with the power of speech.
- Can replay a recorded message for up to 60 seconds depending on the chosen interval setting.
- Personalise any recorded message - use the name of the colleague in the recording. “Danny, is that you? Please help me! I’m stuck under a cupboard and cannot feel my legs anymore!”
- When using the Vox option, the Shoutbox will respond to the sound of a voice.
- Supplied with the 2 x AA batteries.
- Canadian Defence Department
In our opinion our optional Shoutbox and hood fitted to any Ruth Lee Duty manikin is a far more versatile option than the USAR manikin and a fraction of the cost of the so called 'smart dummies' from Haagen or Bullex. You won't always need the talking/recording facility of the shoutbox and if you damage the Haagen or Bullex offerings then you have lost a very expensive manikin. The optional hood can be fitted to any Ruth Lee model in seconds and if you don't need the recording facility you don't need to use it: use it on any Duty model, Multi-trauma, Bariatric, Patient Handling, Prisoner Security etc.