Sager Form III Infant Bilateral


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Model S300- Infant Bilateral

Easy Application

around the ankle to secure snugly.

Note: On very small children with mobile ankles, it is often necessary
to apply tape over the ankle harness and to the skin of the heels to prevent slippage of the harnesses. Pull the Control Tabs to engage the ankle harness against the Pulley Wheel.
This will ensure that the Cable Rings are pulled snugly against the soles of the feet. Apply Qu antifiable Dynamic TractionTM . With one hand holding the Outer Shaft, gently extend the Inner Shaft of the splint by pulling it out until the desired amount of traction is recorded on the calibrated Pulley Wheel. It is suggested to use 100/o of the patient's body weight per fractured femur up to 31⁄2kg (71⁄2pounds)foreachleg.Ifbilateral fractures are present, the maximum amount would be 7kg (15 pounds), or as directed by the pediatric traumatologist. At the hollow of the knees, gently slide the large elastic Tensor Cravat through and upwards to the thigh, repeating with the smaller Cravats to minimize lower and mid-limb movement. Note: On small infants, one or both of the smaller Cravats may be sufficient for secure immobilization.


With the splint fully collapsed and the calibrated Pulley Wheel facing up, position the Sager S300 between the patient's legs resting the lschial Perinea! Cushion (the saddle) against the ischial tuberosity. In the case of a unilateral fracture, the splint should be placed in the perineum on the side of the injury. In bilateral fractures - excluding pelvic trauma - the side with the greatest degree of injury should be the side of placement. Apply the Abductor Bridle (thigh strap) around the upper thigh of the fractured limb. Tighten the strap snugly. Lift the Spring Clip to extend the inner shaft until the Pulley Wheel extends just beyond the heel. Note that the splint will still perform if an infant is so small that the Wheel extends further.


Note the absence or presence of distal pulses, check for sensation. Position the Malleolar Harnesses (ankle harnesses) beneath the heels and just above the ankles. Fold down the number of Comfort Cushions needed to engage all of the ankle above the medial and lateral malleoli. Using the attached Hook and Loop Straps, wrap the ankle harness


Adjust the Abductor Bridle (thigh strap) at the upper thigh making sure it is not too tight, but snug and secure, then firmly secure the elastic Tensor Cravats. Apply the Pedal Pinion (figure 8 strap) around the feet to prevent distal rotation. Note the absence or presence of distal pulses, check for sensation. Patient is now ready for transport. Warning: All operators should receive full and proper initial/refresher instruction sessions from a qualified person on detailed use of this equipment and regarding the particular situations in which it should be used.


The multi-patented Form Ill Series will fit patients ranging from a four-year-old to an adult well over 2m (7 feet) in height.

With the Sager's unique design the patient's weight is not a problem in application. For infants and children, the multi-patented Infant Bilateral

Emergency Traction Splint will fit patients ranging in size from an infant to children six (6) years of age.

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